Inside Zebra Technologies Device Repair Process

We are diving into the Adapta Robotics - Zebra Technologies dynamic partnership through an insightful dialog with John Stanke. We will explore the market-driven challenges, the limitations of conventional testing strategies, and the transformative implementation and advantages that automated device commissioning has brought to the forefront.

What were some of the unmet needs in the repair of barcode scanners at Zebra?

JS: For Zebra Technologies, a leader in the barcode scanner market, ensuring that devices can withstand the demands of heavy usage was a pivotal concern. The traditional manual testing methods were no longer sufficient due to the intricate complexity of the products and the rapid technological advancements in the industry. Manual testing not only introduced the risk of human error but also lacked consistency in repeated test scenarios. This is where MATT (Mobile Automated Testing Tool) stepped in to transform the testing landscape. In the end, MATT allowed us to test more comprehensively with various loads and finger sizes on the screen.

What exactly did you find most transformative with MATT? What are the factors/ capabilities that brought the most improvement to your device testing processes?

JS: By replicating human interactions with devices, MATT, an automated testing system enhances precision and repeatability. Keep in mind that we are in the repair business, not in the product design, so bringing added cost to our repair process was highly scrutinized. Luckily, Zebra is a very innovative company, and we were able to build the business case for management. This type of automation is instrumental throughout the entire product development lifecycle, from initial research to final market release. By integrating MATT into the commissioning processes, Zebra was able to fast-track product repair and elevate testing protocols, ensuring that every scanner met quality standards.


Can you expand on how easy/difficult it was to integrate MATT into the existing commission process at Zebra?

JS: Adapta Robotics works closely with Zebra Technologies (in their center for configuring repaired devices) to integrate the MATT Extended version—a robot designed to meet the unique demands of comprehensive device testing. To be precise, the Adapta team helped us in the following areas:

- Multiple device testing at the same time,

- Universal cradle for different scanner models,

- Custom software development for parallel test case execution on multiple devices.

MATT's capabilities are used to simulate accurate and consistent human touch and inputs on screens and buttons meaning that Zebra can conduct thorough and exhaustive testing cycles quickly, simulating prolonged times of consumer handling in a condensed period.

Lastly, can you describe the top benefits brought by MATT’s implementation?

JS: The handheld device repair process is complex and driven manually. Multiple steps in this process could benefit from automation. We purposely chose the commissioning stage to introduce MATT. The benefits of this collaboration were multifaceted. With MATT's automated and error-free testing process, Zebra Technologies saw a significant reduction in the time and cost of repairs. Devices that passed through MATT's rigorous testing protocols were less likely to encounter issues once back in the hands of customers. Moreover, by automating the repetitive elements of testing, Zebra's workforce was liberated to focus on more strategic tasks, further driving innovation and quality in their product offerings.


----->   Watch MATT in action!  <-------

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